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NKN is an open-source protocol for public blockchain-based peer-to-peer networks to share network bandwidth and Internet connectivity. NKN Mainnet was launched in July 2019 and has up to 25,000 full consensus nodes (more than Bitcoin or Ethereum).[1][2]
NKN, or New Kind of Network, is an open-source protocol for public blockchain-based peer-to-peer Networks to share network bandwidth and Internet connectivity. The project was launched in January 2018 and lists Stephen Wolfram, creator of Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha, and Whitfield Diffie, inventor of public-key cryptography as advisors. NKN Mainnet was launched in July 2019 and has up to 25,000 full consensus nodes (more than Bitcoin or Ethereum).
Notable use cases for NKN include:
• Content Delivery system (contract with Chinese video giant iQIYI)
• Edge computing (contract with China China Mobile)
• D-chat (secure messaging app)
• nShell (secure remote terminal access)
NKN’s consensus algorithm is based on Cellular automata, A New Kind of Science and Ising model, where a simple local majority rule can lead to system-level convergence in a small number of iterations. The design goal is to scale to arbitrary numbers of equal consensus nodes.[3][4][5]
NKN uses a global addressing scheme based on public keys, in order to enable direct peer-to-peer communication without centralized servers. The routing of packets is based on Chord Distributed Hash Table (DHT), which maps each NKN address to a random and verifiable position on the Chord DHT ring.
NKN is the new kind of P2P network connectivity protocol & ecosystem powered by a novel public blockchain. It uses economic incentives to motivate Internet users to share network connection and utilize unused bandwidth. NKN's open, efficient, and robust networking infrastructure enables application developers to build the decentralized Internet so everyone can enjoy secure, low cost, and universally accessible connectivity.
NKN intends to revolutionize the entire network technology and business. NKN wants to be the Uber or Airbnb of the trillion-dollar communication service business, but without a central entity. NKN aspires to free the bits, and build the Internet we always wanted.
NKN sets the following objectives:
• Any node can connect to this fully open network from any place
• Promote network sharing
• Secure net neutrality from network layer innovations
• Always keep network open and scalable
• Perform efficient and dynamic routing
• Tokenize network connectivity and data transmission assets and incentivize participating nodes
• Design and build the next generation of blockchain network
Yanbo Li - Founder | Strategy & System Architecture
Zheng “Bruce” Li - Co-Founder Strategy & Operations
Yilun Zhang - Co-Founder Core Researcher & Developer
Allen Dixon - Business Development Business Compliance
iQiyi, China Mobile, NETNIC, Telecom Infra Project, ONF, Datapace, Nokia, Cryptic Labs, Block VC, Arrington XRP Capital, Genesis, NOIA, NGC, DFO, Collinstar, Bluezelle, Node Capital, OKEx, Iotex, Ankr, String Capital, IF Capital, U Network, Harmony, Fenbushi Capital, OJLab, DxChain, Taxa.[6]
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Edited On
August 29, 2022
We've just announced IQ AI.
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Edited On
August 29, 2022