VeeFriends Series 2

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VeeFriends Series 2

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VeeFriends Series 2

VeeFriends Series 2 is the latest addition to the collection, which was launched by in May 2021. It features a diverse set of 55,555 NFTs, each of which is represented by a unique character with its own distinctive qualities and traits. [1]


In April 2022, VeeFriends unveiled its second series, comprising 55,555 tokens that were initially priced at 0.33 ETH ($995). Those who held Series 1 NFTs were offered the chance to obtain a free Series 2 NFT of the same character they already possessed. [2]

Since the collection was expanded with more NFTs, GaryVee chose to introduce the new series at a lower price than the first series. This decision was aimed at making it more accessible to a larger audience, thereby offering more people the opportunity to purchase these NFTs. [2]

The initiative was launched across four distinct mint periods in April. The first period, called "Friends List," had 32,000 tokens available and was released on April 18th, 2022. The second period, "Series 1 Free Claim," had 10,255 tokens available, and was also released on the same day. The third period, called "Public Mint," had 10,000 tokens available, and was released on April 25th, 2022. The final period, "15 New Characters," had 3,300 tokens available and was released on April 27th, 2022. [2]

VeeFriends continues to be the culmination of so many things that I´d like to see in the world. The positive human traits that I think need to grow, and my continuation of passion in building an intellectual property in perpetuity. We are on track to achieve what I had envisioned for VeeFriends, and we will continue to create real-life value through these NFTs. I am excited for what’s to come and for the opportunity to grow this amazing community even more”. - Gary Vaynerchuk, Creator & CEO of VeeFriends

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Edited On

March 15, 2023

