Crypto Sapiens

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Crypto Sapiens

Crypto Sapiens is a media podcast created to inform listeners about decentralized money systems, including , , and other projects, through discussions with global web3 builders. [1][2]


With 1.4k+ subscribers and 170+ videos as of March 2024, the Crypto Sapiens podcast aims to support the transition from crypto curiosity to crypto fluency by empowering individuals with comprehensive information about the crypto ecosystem. [3][4][5]

The podcast is available on various platforms like Spotify, Podtail, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts, covering a diverse range of topics such as the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and web3, technological advancements, and interviews with prominent figures in the crypto industry, including discussions on Unlock Protocol, the Edge City movement, and the work of [5]

The Crypto Sapiens podcast consists of sections such as Onchain Alpha hosted by Humpty Calderon, Impact Makers hosted by Jon Ruth, and Are We There Yet? hosted by . [6]


The Don't Say NFT (dsNFT) podcast series by Crypto Sapiens explores -facilitated tools and experiences, ranging from the technological basics to the ideological complexities. It challenges the conventional terminology surrounding digital assets, emphasizing the need for more nuanced language. [7][8]

"The title is also an informal challenge to see if we can find better words to use when referring to digital assets, NFTs or whatever else it is we discuss."[7]

Each episode features discussions among a diverse panel of blockchain participants, covering topics such as blockchain's purpose, ownership, self-representation, group dynamics, cultural information dissemination, categorization, asset traceability, and implications for both the art world and broader society. The series fosters critical thinking, inquiry, problem-solving, and education while welcoming diverse perspectives and maintaining a focus on exploration. It is designed for anyone interested in progress and curious about blockchain, its origins, and its potential future implications. [7][8]

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Profile picture of Anonymous userzainab

Edited On

March 29, 2024


