Jake Yocom-Piatt
Jake Yocom-Piatt is a software developer and cryptocurrency advocate, serving as the Project Lead for Decred. With over a decade of experience in directing and funding open-source software projects, he has contributed to the development of key cryptocurrency technologies and frequently participates in panels and workshops on cryptocurrency governance.
Before his work with Decred, Yocom-Piatt funded and guided the development of btcsuite, a Bitcoin full-node implementation written in Go, which has been utilized in projects such as the Lightning Network Daemon (lnd), Ethereum, and Factom. He is also a co-creator of zkc, a secure asynchronous chat platform. [1] [2]
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Bachelor of Science in Physcics (1998–2002)
University of Chicago
Master of Science in Physics (2002–2004) [1]