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PUNKS Comic (launched May 10, 2021) is an ERC-721  collection created by Pixel Vault. It is a comic that chronicles Beanie's journey - from humble auction house busboy to digital art kingpin - to capitalize on the digital revolution in the Metaverse (enduring kidnappings, clowns, anons, and the mysterious Elvis Punksley, all as part of his quest). [1]

The project's goal is to integrate more storylines involving other , other crypto projects, and any other events that are pertinent to the crypto/NFT landscape.


Punks Comic is a comic about a group of CryptoPunks, Pixel Vault owns all the Cryptopunks (currently valued at $4.5M) and with Punks Comic they bring them all to live in comic form. [2]

Pixel Vault is a media company focused on elevating crypto-native assets across a variety of mediums through the development of intellectual property and empowered by decentralization. Pixel Vault's team expands the story and lore of static on-chain assets accruing value to both stakeholders and the broader crypto community.

The PUNKS Comic "The Hunt for the Lost Robbies" is a full-color 24-page comic drawn by Marvel Comics and DC Comics artist Chris Wahl, written and created by the Pixel Vault team.

It is loosely based on the famed early crypto art given out at the inaugural Christie's Tech Summit in London in 2018. From an artistic perspective, Punks Comic peppers in backstory and personalities to accompany the generatively assigned traits of 16 of the original CryptoPunks.[3][4]

Team Members

Core Team

MembersPositionSocial Link
Chris WahlChief Artist & Illustrator[5]
Robbie TrevinoArt Director[6]
Richard GalbraithChief Storyteller
Preston JohnsonCreative Strategy & Media Relations[7]
Sean GearinBiz Dev & Creative Strategy
BeanieSenior Art Critic

Technical Team

MembersPositionSocial Link
Andrew HachtenWeb3 & Solidity Developer
Andy ChorlianAdvisor / Fractional
Alessandra HopfingerWeb Designer
The VirtunautWeb Designer
Harrison LeeWeb Developer

Meet the Punks

PUNK #8146 Beanie

The leader of the squad. Beanie is the founder of the Pixel Vault and a world-renowned art critic (and flipper). He's got a big ego, but the ETH and skills to back it up. Cross him and you will have your hands full, but stay on his good side and you're golden.

PUNK #2146 Courtney

Smokin’ hot, razor-sharp, and refuses to take shit from anyone (an important trait to have when dating Beanie). Courtney is a cool customer, weapons trained, and ready to roll. She is as fierce as her look.

PUNK #9723 The Futurist

The world's leading authority on crypto art, The Futurist is a bit of a geek, but the type that demands respect. He tried his best to get the world to listen back in 2018, but now he has everyone’s attention.

PUNK #1288 GFunk

One of the Pixel Vault’s Original Three, GFunk keeps things running behind the scenes. GFunk knows that to get the best results you need to stand up, especially to Beanie!

PUNK #9973 The Skull

A mercenary and calculated killer, The Skull is not afraid to get his hands dirty. For this reason, his Bowie knife is his weapon of choice. Let’s just say that the eyepatch isn't for show.

PUNK #2925 Randy

Randy is the embodiment of the “strong and silent type.” His extensive military experience has made him the sort of cat that's cool under pressure and ready for when shit hits the fan. Intensely loyal, Randy and Beanie have a unique bond.

PUNK #7848 Frank Lopez

Frank is a hardened criminal with a twisted sense of humor to match his bright green hair. Infamous for his ruthlessness and strong-armed tactics, everyone knows that Frank is not to be messed with.

PUNK #2152 Ivanova

FBI Agent Ivanova leads the FBI’s rapid deployment Art Crime Team. Knowing that Beanie has always seemed to be in the right (wrong?) place at the right time over the years, she keeps a close eye on his whereabouts.

PUNK #2041 Hilary

Hilary is a discerning art buyer for an elite auction house. Well-educated, well-versed, and well-traveled, Hilary has focused her skills on hunting the Lost Robbies. Now the question remains - is she friend or foe?

PUNK #7547 Marvin

Marvin AKA “Sexy Beast” is the muscle for Beanie’s security team. Marvin is bulked up and ready for the call of duty (as well as the calls of his many lady friends).

PUNK #4852 Elvis

The mystery runs deep with this one. Consumed by tracking down the Lost Robbies, Elvis Punksley’s true motives are unclear. What is clear is his distaste for Beanie.

PUNK #5724 Elvira

Partner in life and crime to Frank Lopez, Elvira is as mean as they come (and happy to keep it that way). Frank’s ruthlessness is matched by Elvira’s smarts. Never turn your back as she might just stick a knife in you.

PUNK #6014 Sgt. Wiggles

Wiggles heads up Beanie's security detail. Extremely friendly, with a bucktooth smile to match, Wiggles is a bit of a klutz. He is as loyal as they come, though, and always rises to the occasion.

PUNK #2963 Violet

As another member of the Lopez crew, Violet is an enforcer with hard fists and a temperament to match. She will shoot first and ask questions later. Fearless despite her small stature, Violet is willing to take on helicopter hats of any size.

PUNK #1068 Cheetah

A founding member of the Pixel Vault, Cheetah is the voice of reason on the team! Breaking up arguments between Gfunk and Beanie is easy when you’re built like The Hulk.

PUNK #9057 Belcalis

Meet Beanie’s estranged daughter, Belcalis Almánzar. She is a product of too many Presidente Lights during Spring Break. She's long been in search of her father, but what will she do with the knowledge of who he is?

PUNKS Comic, Issue #1

The PUNKS Comic, Issue #1 is a limited edition (just 10,000 prints) comic., it also comes as a physical copy with a special case which will include a serialized certificate of authenticity, depending on the buyer's choice to stake or burn the ERC-721 token. For a physical copy to be claimed, the PUNKS Comic NFT cannot be burned.

Issue #1 is tied to ownership of EITHER:

  • 50% of the 16 CryptoPunks represented by $PUNKS token holders (stake your PUNKS Comic NFT to earn fractional $PUNKS tokens.


  • Partnership in the Founder's Vault DAO, composed of 25% of the 16 CryptoPunks represented by $PUNKS token holders PLUS collective ownership of the other works in the Founder's Vault DAO (by burning the PUNKS Comic, Issue #1)

Only Issue #1 of the PUNKS Comic will be tied to ownership of these assets. Any subsequent issue of the PUNKS Comic may have its own unique value proposition, but they will not be tied to the ownership of the 16 main CryptoPunks or the Founder's Vault DAO.

In addition, 27 random mints of Issue #1 will receive NFTs from either Hackatao, Killer Acid, or Robbie Trevino.

The Founder's Vault DAO

The Founder's Vault DAO collectively holds all Founder's Vault DAO assets and its fate is decided by a vote of Pixel Vault Founder's Token holders., the estimated value of the Founder's Vault DAO at creation is about 600ETH.

The Founder's Vault DAO includes the following works (and it is the intention of Pixel Vault to continue to add more works across future Pixel Vault projects):

  • 25% allocation of $PUNKS Tokens
  • Genesis mint of PUNKS Comic, Issue #1 (1/10,000 serial)
  • Team-signed edition of PUNKS Comic, Issue #1 (1/1)
  • Robbie Trevino PUNKS Comic, Issue #1 Back Cover (1/1)
  • Lost Robbie” ie. AI-Generated Nude, Portrait #7 Frame #92 by Robbie Barrat (1/1)
  • "Queen of PUNKS" by (1/1)
  • “Killer Acid Punks” by Killer Acid (1/1)
  • "Test Ape" by Chris Wahl (1/19)
  • Future works to be added to the Vault TBD

The Pixel Vault Founder's Token (PVFT)

The Pixel Vault Founder's Token (PVFT) and the $PUNKS tokens are two totally different tokens, the Pixel Vault Founder's Token (PVFT) holders collectively own the works held in the Founder's Vault DAO.

One can obtain this token by burning the PUNKS Comic Issue #1 NFT before the release of the second issue (which is to be expected in August). There is a maximum supply of 10,000 Pixel Vault Founder's Tokens, but the final supply will depend on how many PUNKS Comics are burned before the release of the second issue.

The $PUNKS tokens are fractional tokens (100,000,000 in circulation), each representing fractionalized ownership of the 16 CryptoPunks who are characters in Issue #1 of the PUNKS Comic. One can obtain this token by staking Issue #1 NFT. One can also get exposure to $PUNKS tokens via the Founder's Vault DAO, which holds 25% of the $PUNKS tokens in circulation. [8]

Staking and Burning of the PUNKS Comic Issue #1


By staking the PUNKS Comic, Issue #1 NFT users will accrue $PUNKS tokens over a 24-month period, although they are not committed to staking for the full 24 months. They will be allocated $PUNKS tokens which represent the proportional ownership of the 16 CryptoPunks.

$PUNKS Token holders will also receive 100% of the profits of all future PUNKS merchandise sales*.* PUNKS IP owned by Pixel Vault LLC By staking, they will also be able to keep their NFT with the option of eventually trading on a secondary market (such as OpenSea).

There are 100,000,000 $PUNKS tokens in circulation.

  • 50,000,000 $PUNKS tokens (50%) will be available to those who stake their PUNKS Comic, Issue #1 NFT over a 24-month period.
  • (25,000,000 $PUNKS tokens (25%) will be owned by the Founder's Vault DAO; 25,000,000 $PUNKS tokens (25%) are owned by the Pixel Vault Team.)

Once staking begins, users will be able to stake for 24 months, after that point, they can no longer accrue more $PUNKS tokens as the total supply will be in circulation.

How to Stake the Comic

To stake the contract, all that's needed to do is simply deposit Comic NFT(s) into the custom smart contract provided at punkscomic.com. In return for staking, a proportional award of $PUNKS tokens will be received. When staking the comic stops, the unique ERC-721 NFT with the corresponding serial number will be returned back.


By burning the PUNKS Comic, Issue #1 NFT, a Pixel Vault Founder's Token providing proportional ownership of the Founder's Vault DAO, which includes the Vault's current contents, as well as any future additions, will be received.

The maximum supply of Pixel Vault Founder's Tokens is 10,000 and would require every PUNKS Comic, Issue #1 to be burned in order to be available. The window for burning the PUNKS Comic, Issue #1 in exchange for a Pixel Vault Founder's Token will close upon the release of PUNKS Comic, Issue #2. Once this window is closed, the supply of Pixel Vault Founder's Tokens will be final.

In order to read the Punks Comic Issue #1 , visit the NFT's page in OpenSea.io and expand 'About PUNKS Comic'. Open the PDF in the link provided save, as it is one download per computer. (Clearing cache may allow for additional downloads.)

To get a physical copy check up on the Discord channel for details on how to claim your physical copy of the PUNKS Comic, Issue #1 (which comes with a special case and a serialized certificate of authenticity). A window of 1-2 weeks will be provided for redemption.

One can only claim a physical copy of the PUNKS Comic, Issue #1 if they have not burned the PUNKS Comic, Issue #1 NFT.

PUNKS Comic, Issue #2 : MARKS THE DROP

The first release of Punk Comic Issue #2 :Marks the Drop which included 10000 main edition PUNKS were sold out in the first hour of the early release. It was available only for Pixel Vault Founder’s DAO NFT holders. The Pixel Vault NFT holders and Public release were scheduled after that. The top three sales for issue #2 were 1.26 ETH, 1.01 ETH, and 0.925 ETH. [9][10][12]

For the 2nd release , The Punks Comic partnered with to co-release
Elite Ape Collector's Editions of Issue #2, a first for IP licensing in the NFT space. Punks Comic team worked with every BAYC NFT owner to create and finalize only 8 alternate-covers PUNKS Comic Issue #2 collections. They had hundreds of submissions, which were narrowed down to 64 contenders to finalize the eight. 6,000 Elite Ape Collector's Editions were available (750 of each of the 8 Elite Apes). A third release of 3,000 Main Edition Issue #2 is expected to be free for Issue #1 minters. [10] [11]

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Generated avatar for Anonymous usersarcricstick

Edited On

October 12, 2022


