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BnkToTheFuture, formerly BankToTheFuture, is a global online investment platform (Equity CrowdFunding) mainly focused on financial innovation and technology[1][2]. is the largest online investment platform for investing in the equity and tokens of the most valuable Fintech,  and  companies. BnKToTheFuture has facilitated more than $260 million USD of investments for more than 48,000 qualifying investors in more than 100 of the most valuable companies in the industry including , ShapeShift, BitPay, and over 100 others.


BFT is a due diligence-driven membership and rewards token. It effectively addresses the key challenges to create a transparent and efficient scalable marketplace[3].

By incentivizing the crypto community to engage in due diligence, BFT provides a scalable system for identifying, listing and trading top companies in the industry. It also enables fast and efficient facilitation of a live secondary market environment with information updated in real-time.

BFT facilitates a more decentralized process for listing investment opportunities on the platform.

BFT creates a community-enhanced due diligence process for deals listed on the platform whereby token holders identify, select and research the best deals in the industry for a more streamlined process.

BFT incentivizes token holders (both community and companies on the platform) to provide frequent and real-time investor updates for greater transparency.

On the transparent market side, there are three major challenges to overcome:

  1. Sourcing & researching good FinTech, Bitcoin & Blockchain deals is currently a hugely centralized and inefficient process.
  2. Performing due diligence on FinTech, Bitcoin & Blockchain companies before listing them is heavily dependent on a few skilled people.
  3. Investor relations is expensive and very time consuming for listed companies and yet not frequent enough to satisfy our investors’ appetite for information.

In the public market, these problems have traditionally been tackled through tighter rules, regulations, and internal standards that create a more transparent market but lead to slow, expensive, and time-consuming legal and audit processes that still result in billions of dollars in market abuse and fines[4].


  1. Simon Dixon - CEO and Co-founder
  2. Bliss Dixon - COO and Co-founder
  3. FAHMIDA BEGUM - Investor Relations
  4. PAWEŁ SŁOWIK - Lead Developer
  5. ANTONI PSTRAŚ – Developer
  6. RAFAŁ KOSTAŃSKI - Developer
  7. DAWID RATKA – Developer


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Profile picture of Anonymous userIlori_Josh

Edited On

August 13, 2022


