





SuperVerse is a cryptocurrency project that establishes a unified network for games, with a focus on optimizing the user experience. The platform incorporates features that aim to improve the functionality and accessibility of games.


SuperVerse is a project in the field of games, led by its founder Elliot Wainman (). Originally known as SuperFarm, which allowed designers to deploy their tokens and market them via a business marketplace, the project has shifted its focus to games, incorporating a variety of games and , departing from its initial emphasis on .

The $SUPER token assumes a pivotal role inSuperVerse's economic framework, facilitating game transactions, rewards, and . SuperVerse aims to optimise the gaming experience through community interaction and collaboration in the creation of the ecosystem. [3][4]


SuperVerse originated from the project SuperFarm, initiated by in 2021. Initially, SuperFarm concentrated on merging the industry with principles, providing novel avenues for individuals to interact with digital assets. In the year 2023, SuperFarm underwent a rebranding to SuperVerse. [1]

SuperVerse founder shared his thoughts on this transition on his YouTube channel:

, nope. SuperVerse, yep. We believe that gaming is the on-ramp and that the marketplace is the primitive. The marketplace is the Town Square. The current marketplaces are so utilitarian they don't actually bring people closer together. [4]

Rebranding and Expansion

After rebranding to become SuperVerse, the $SUPER token has remained consistent and the organization's goals have been broadened. All of SuperFarm's previous products are now encompassed in SuperVerse, along with supplementary services and software, but now, SuperVerse has realigned its focus on its main asset, which is the gaming experience. [2]

The $SUPER token allows its holders to participate in SuperVerse's governance processes. This encompasses voting on proposals, modifications, and strategic initiatives, promoting a platform development process that is focused on community. [4][12]

SuperVerse DAO Staking

The SuperVerse enables community members to stake $SUPER tokens and to earn rewards. These rewards are funded by the fees and royalties received from SuperVerse products. Members can potentially participate in by engaging in . The process includes:

SuperVerse's mechanism adopts a flexible approach, departing from conventional modules that allocate a fixed quantity of an ecosystem's tokens over a defined period. Under this system, holders can earn incentives by their $SUPER tokens. The asymptotic nature of the mechanism ensures emissions gradually converge to a stable state. incentives are distributed block by block, maintaining a consistent emission rate and the framework allows for periodic injections of into the contract. [9][10]

Governance and Community Participation

The $SUPER token gives it's holders the capacity to participate in governance processes by voting on proposals, changes, and major projects within the SuperVerse ecosystem.
This approach affords the community an opportunity to influence the platform's future direction. The proposed voting technology, , aims to provide members with a simple and cost-effective means of engaging in decision-making. The voting process is supervised to maintain the standards of a (). [12][11]

Ecosystem Integrations

MY PET HOOLIGAN: () is a collection of 8,888 unique 3D Pet Hooligan characters stored as () on the . Developed by AMGI Studios, MPH is an interactive play-to-earn (P2E) ecosystem that immerses users (players, collectors, etc.) in Hooli's adventurous journey within its while rewarding them for their participation.[19][20][6]

NYAN HEROES: is a play-to-earn game utilizing the . In this game, players collect Nyan Cat heroes and Guardian Robots to engage in shooter-style battles. The game features collectible rare weapons and skins, which can be traded as in a dedicated marketplace.[21][22][6]

GUILD OF GUARDIAN: is a mobile role-playing game where users lead groups of heroes through dungeons to gather resources. The game employs technology to provide players with ownership over heroes, game items, and guilds. is published by and developed by Stepico.[23][24][6]

SIDUS HEROES: Is described as a space-based gaming where players can explore and conquer other planets. The , powered by artificial intelligence (AI), features a unified economy across all games, a single lore book, and multiple game studios. [6][7]

BLOCKLORDS: Is a multiplayer medieval grand strategy game where the story and universe evolve based on players' choices and abilities. Players can choose from various playstyles, including resource management, farming, battling, and ruling, shaping their own destiny as heroes. This game integrates , , and technology. [5][6]

SHRAPNEL: Is a competitive AAA extraction shooter game on PC, offering skill-based gameplay, modding tools and a community marketplace. It provides players with ownership and value through its features. [6][8]


The $SUPER token supply is divided into several categories, each with its own vesting schedule:

  • Maximum supply: 1 billion $SUPER tokens.

  • Founders & Advisors (10%): Vesting consists of a 12-month cliff followed by a 24-month unlock.

  • Development (10%): Vesting follows a 12-month cliff followed by a 24-month unlock.

  • Ecosystem (9%): Vesting involves a 12-month cliff followed by a 24-month unlock.

  • NFT Drops (5%): Vesting entails a 12-month unlock.

  • Staking (25%): Vesting includes a 12-month unlock.

  • Seed Round (5%): Vesting includes a 6-month cliff followed by a 24-month unlock.

  • Private Sales (34%): Divided into three private rounds (P1, P2, P3) with varying unlock percentages and vesting schedules.

  • Liquidity (1%)

  • Public Sale (1%)

wikiThe SuperVerse team adheres to a token release schedule, avoiding premature unlocking of tokens. A portion of the circulating supply is utilized within the ecosystem for liquidity and rewards. [13][14][15]


Through the $SUPER token, SuperVerse is building a gaming network with a customized suitable for fast and cost-effective transactions. A number of companies in the sector have partnered with SuperVerse:

  • : A scaling solution for , known for its speed and efficiency.

  • : A protocol that emphasizes privacy, facilitating more secure transactions in the game.

  • : A cross-chain interoperability protocol, enabling SuperVerse to connect with other and create a comprehensive experience.

  • : Another player in the gaming space, known for its Layer-2 scaling solution on .

These SuperVerse partnerships were established with the aim of developing the gaming ecosystem. Through collaborations with these industry companies, SuperVerse has positioned itself to play a role in gaming. [18][17]


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June 16, 2024


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